
Prayers by Pauline Bower:


Although the forced labour camps of the Second World War and the slave labour camps of the Soviet bloc are comparatively recent, and today one can hear the words 'slave labour' used in quite a jokey fashion, when people hear or see the word SLAVERY most of them seem to think first and foremost of Black people (usually men) in chains and either working for or being flogged by white people (again, usually men).

It may then dawn on us that many more people were involved in the system of slavery than just those two categories, and once we start to pray into the situation we begin to realise that the slaves had families; that they had been captured and sold by rival national kingdoms; that they were traded and moved about; that they were indeed badly treated …

Then we remember stories from the Bible, from far further back in history, and realise that the system was widespread – and then we learn that, sadly, it still is. The situation is far more complex than it first appears.

So initially we have to pray:

  • for the slaves and their families
  • for the people who captured them, deceived them, traded them, transported them, used them
  • for the people who made them suffer, and for the people who helped them
  • for the people who today are ashamed that any of their ancestors were slaves
  • for the people who today are ashamed that any of their ancestors traded in slaves, or had slaves themselves
  • for the enslaved women of the past and of the present
  • for the past and present children in slavery or any sort of bondage, born into it or forced into it by extreme poverty
  • for the healing of memories
  • that the present suffering (injustice, oppression, cruelty, abuse) will cease

If you have prayers about slavery, or any aspect of it, that you would like us to pray with, please send them to Pauline Bower, c/o set all free, , London


Almighty God, our heavenly Father, holy and righteous, merciful and just,
we remember before you all those who, through the ages, have been involved in
any way in slavery –
first, the slaves themselves
and their families, but also those who captured people and sold or gave them away; those who bought them, traded them, deceived them,
used them as commodities; those who transported them from place to place;
those who used them so mercilessly to gratify their own needs and whims.

The history of this grievous situation, dear Lord, is horrifying
and, what is worse, we know to our shame that it continues today
in many places and in many different ways.

We pray in penitence and faith for your forgiveness and for the gift of your Holy Spirit to help us to put and end to this abuse so that all people are free
to enjoy life in all its fullness.

Set us all free, merciful Lord, from the hurtful memories,
from the hatred and fear, resentment and guilt and shame,
and all the other emotions which have such a destructive effect on our relationships.

Heal and restore us, gracious and merciful Lord, and send your Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth and in the ways of justice and of peace so that your love is shared among us, in Jesus' name. Amen.


We ask your forgiveness, merciful Lord God, for our complicity
in the causes which produce the cruelty and pain, injustice and fear which are the results of the terrible system of slavery.
Help us, gracious Lord, not to shut our eyes to it and ignore it;
not to turn away from it and pretend it's not happening;
not to try to convince ourselves that it is nothing to do with us
and that we can do nothing about it.
Rather grant us grace to face up to it, to ask for forgiveness and grace to forgive,
to do what we can to heal and restore,
to bring understanding and peace into all the different aspects of the situation.
Help us, dear Lord, we pray, for your love's sake. Amen.


We pray, merciful Lord, for all those still suffering
the burdens of pain and shame of their forbears.
Heal their memories, Lord God, and give them your comfort
and your peace for the sake of Jesus our Saviour. Amen


Among all the horrors of slavery, merciful Lord God,
we give you thanks for glimpses of extraordinary kindness
and courage between people brought together through the system.
We give thanks for all those individuals who showed understanding, compassion, friendship to one another;
for all those who generously shared the little they had with one another,
including their food;
for those who helped one another.
As we also remember with thanks all those who fought to change the law
so that both the slave trade and then slavery itself became illegal,
we praise you for all those who set their slaves free
simply because they recognised that the system was terribly wrong.
We pray, Lord God, that your Holy Spirit will move in the hearts
and minds of those involved in this trade today
so that they, too, recognise the evil they are doing
and turn from their ways.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Redeemer and Saviour,
who came to set us free. Amen.

© Pauline Bower, 2006


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